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Data Center BUILD Keynote

Erich J. Sanchack
Chief Operating Officer
Digital Realty

Erich J. Sanchack serves as Chief Operating Officer for Digital Realty, with responsibility for global portfolio operations, global construction, colocation and interconnection service implementation, cybersecurity, government affairs, and supply chain operations.

Throughout his career, Erich has primarily been a profit and loss general manager, and he has held multiple leadership roles across large portfolios, including Senior Vice President for CenturyLink IT Solutions and New Market Development; Vice President and General Manager for CenturyLink Federal Solutions; Vice President, Competitive Enhancements at Lockheed Martin; Vice President, Corporate Internal Audit at Lockheed Martin; Vice President of Information Technology Services for Information Systems and Global Solutions/Defense.

A former U.S. Marine Corps officer, Erich sits on the board of directors for the Data Center Coalition and the Northern Virginia Technology Council, the board of directors and executive committee for the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association/International, and the Armed Services Council for the Union League of Philadelphia. Formerly an American Heart Association Greater Washington Region Board Member, Erich is currently on the Austin Division Board of Directors and served as co-chair for the 2021 Austin Heart Walk.

The Northern Virginia Technology Council recognized Erich with the 2020 Data Center Sustainable Champion Award; the NVTC has previously named Erich a TECH 100 executive and Data Center Community Champion. Erich also has been included among the top 100 most influential people in the greater Washington, DC area. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from Pennsylvania State University.